Get the latest on what’s going on at BCT

Our Hectic Half Term!
Our second round of Rekindle library events took place over October half term, and we were overjoyed at how successful they were. With over 12 events taking place over 7 days, it was a hectic week for the Black Country Touring team and our community promoters!

BCT’s 25th Birthday 🥳
Last month we celebrated our 25th birthday at one of our most beloved community venues, Thimblemill Library, alongside friends of BCT and members of the local community. Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us, to Thimblemill Library for hosting us, to Dreadlockalien and Kurly whose poems had the had the crowd in stitches, and to Little Bulb Theatre for their wonderful performance that had audience members leaving their seats and singing and dancing along!

Festival of Lights at Caldmore Community Garden
Caldmore Community Garden was illuminated and transformed for this year’s Festival of Lights on 4th and 5th November. Audiences were treated to exciting performances by LED drummers and by Autin Dance Theatre, brought to the festival by Black Country Touring.

Where We Grow
Where We Grow celebrates community gardens and the local people who work, volunteer and spend precious time in them.

Rekindle Project
We are very pleased to announce that we are a partnership organisation on the Rekindle project, funded by Arts Council England and led by Creative Arts East.

Join us for Wednesbury Day!

Season 2 - Black Country Stories Podcast
Black Country Stories podcast unearths the stories of the people of the Black Country, from fairground showmen to tattooists, shopkeepers to artists. Season 2 of the podcast builds on the work of artists as a part of the What’s In Store project in Wednesbury Town Centre.

Postcode Culture Trust Funding
We're delighted to have received the support of the Postcode Culture Trust, who award funds from the People's Postcode Lottery.

NPO Funding Success
We are delighted to be a part of Arts Council England’s 2023-26 National Portfolio, and beyond thrilled to be receiving a greater level of funding from ACE than ever before!