Wednesbury Library
Venue address: Wednesbury Library, Walsall Street, Wednesbury WS10 9EH
By bus: 11, 40, 47, 79
By tram: Wednesbury Great Western Street is about 15 minutes walk away
By car: There is limited on street parking on the streets surrounding the library and a Pay and Display car park on Spring Head
Toilets: there are disabled access toilets but no Changing Places toilet
Sensory aids: there will be fidget toys, ear defenders and blankets available at family shows, please ask staff if you would like to borrow any of these whilst you are at the venue
This is the library building, the main door is on the side of the building
The event will either be downstairs of in the room upstairs
If you have any access needs you would like us to be aware of, please get in touch: or on 0121 533 7129