Is That A Yeti, Hetty? – Jack Trow

A little girl called Hetty goes on a quest across the Himalayas to prove that Yetis exist. An avalanche makes her new yeti friend homeless and so Hetty takes Yeti home to live with her. At first Hetty’s friends and family are scared of this strange new visitor, but they soon come to realise that Yeti is just like them really and are persuaded to welcome him to the community.

Black Country Touring supported Jack to deliver this show to a selective audience in Sandwell. This was a pilot to help shape this brand-new original performance.

In August 2021 the show was performed outside windows of a selection of family homes across Sandwell as well as a performance outside Bear Books in Bearwood.

The plan was to appeal to families who crave a live experience and a bit of creative interaction – less ‘live-streaming’ and more just ‘live’. They wanted to appeal to people who want something different from the screen-based activities they’ve been limited to over the last year or so. At the very least, we think we would appeal to people who don’t mind indulging us playing around a bit if it means their windows are getting cleaned!

They envisaged that the show would be performed outside for an audience watching through the window from the comfort of their own living rooms (or whichever room had an appropriate window). It was very covid safe, all who took part really enjoyed the performances  and the windows were cleaned afterwards too!


Voices of the Fairground Podcast


Four Fab Fridays